Christmas Countdown Pro App


What time does the app count down to?
Midnight (00:00) on Christmas Day (December 25th).
Why can't I hear the app music?
Press the red play/pause button in the bottom right corner of the countdown screen. Make sure that your ringer is on!
How is the Heartbeats Countdown being calculated?
It uses 80 beats per minute (bpm). The American Heart Association states that between 60-100 bpm is normal!
How is the Breaths Countdown being calculated?
It uses 15 breaths per minute.John Hopkins Medicine suggests that 12-16 breaths per minute is normal.
How is the Blinks Countdown being calculated?
It uses 12 blinks per minute. The Journal of Royal Society Interface says that 12 blinks per minute is normal blink rate.
How is the HoHoHo's Countdown being calculated?
It uses 1 HoHoHo every 2 seconds!

Got any feedback?

Let us know if you have any issues or just want to give feedback!

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